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They have appeared in numerous books, television shows, the 20th Century Fox X-Men films, and video games. Although initially cancelled in 1970, following its 1975 revival and subsequent direction under writer Chris Claremont, it became one of the most recognizable and successful franchises of Marvel Comics. The X-Men are a fictional team of superheroes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, first appearing in The X-Men #1 by artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby and writer/editor Stan Lee in 1963. Art by Mahmud Asrar, depicting the current X-Men team roster (clockwise from left): Synch, Wolverine, Sunfire, Marvel Girl, Rogue, Polaris, Cyclops.Ĭurrent: The Treehouse ( Krakoan base), New York Cityįormer: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Westchester County, New York

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